Wines of Cyprus

Thank you for taking the time to help us with this project.
We kindly ask you to fill in the form below.
Feel free to write in the language of your choice.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.

/ Umberto Galli Zugaro and Maria Scharffenberg

* indicate mandatory question

Please indicate the adress to the winery
Please indicate eventual other adress as for example tasting room, visiting adress etc. if not at the winery
Who is the contact person. Please indicate name and title i.e. manager etc. Will not be published unless agreed on by checking the box below
Please indicate if relevant the adress to the website for the winery. If you have other social media, please indicate below.
What is the total dimension of the company’s vineyard(s) (owned)
Please check all the grapes used in wine production by you
Please indicate here if you grow other grapes than mentioned above or if you grow grapes not used in wine production
What kind of soil is in the different vineyards? If other, please specify below
Please indicate the total number of bottles produced 2023. If possible, also an estimate of this year’s production
Please indicate the total annual grape productions in Ton.
Please indicate if any of the wines or the winery has a certification. Please specify below.
Please feel free to share other information or comments you feel are important

Please use WeTransfer to upload your pictures. Send them to info@eurosommelier